Women Groups


Empowerment of women entails building up the abilities and skills of women to gain insight into the issues affecting them and also building up their capacity to voice their concerns. It entails developing the capacities of women to overcome social and institutional barriers and strengthening their participation in the economic and political processes so as to produce an overall improvement in their quality of life.  The weekly regular meetings of the association were conducted by the active monitoring of the organization. They are very sincere in keeping their accounts and the Staff will monitor and lends her help then and there. In the regular meetings they discussed about overcoming family problems, improving children’s education, mobilizing the basic needs, utilizing the available resources, ways and means of promoting their family income, social problems, gender problems, legal problems, women problems, women rights, child rights etc.

During the awareness programmes the women association members actively participated. In some villages the Women groups were successful in repairing bore wells by contributing their own money and ensured regular drinking water to their respective villages. With the association of primary health centers and along with the Diploma in Health Assistant trainees of our vocational training centre the women association members underwent campaign on vaccination of Polio to the children and gave awareness regarding the Dengu fever and swine flu which are very prevalent in the area and also many people were the victims of the virus.  The trainings helped the community to capacitate themselves in acquiring knowledge and skills. Periodical training was given on Socio-economic development, finance management, skill empowerment and personality development. The Women association members energetically participated in the training programme which gave them a way to look towards their child’s development in a more sensible aspect. The training also helped them about how to become self reliant by utilizing government schemes. A holistic approach was attempted during the reporting phase to make the Women to empower in all respects.


  • The women were organized and have the capability to ensure their rights.
  • They are actively involving in local panchayt issues in their villages
  • They posses leadership quality and have acquired confidence
  • They actively participated in parent teachers Association meetings (PTA)
  • They mobilized their basic needs from government departments

The Women were able address common and own issues