Campaign against Child Labour
Childs Rights Day was organized on 20th November 2012 at our Vocational Training Centre. Children, Women association members, trainees from the vocational training centres, Village leaders, Youths, Children from the Non-formal education centres and Supplementary education centres have participated in the celebration. A total of 3750 members participated in the event.
Human Rights Day was observed on 10th December 2012. A rally and awareness campaign was organized in the Villupuram town to sensitize the people about human rights. Children from the Non-formal technical training centre, Non formal and Supplementary eduation centres, Women leaders, village leaders, Youths and organization staffs participated in the rally. A total of 750 members participated in the occasion.
Republic Day was celebrated on 26th January 13 and Independence day was celebrated on August 15th 2012 in the Non- Formal technical training centre. All the women association leaders, students and staffs participated in the flag hosting celebrations.
A meeting was conducted in our centre on March 13 on Women’s Rights Day. Nearly 1500 women participated in the meeting. Mr. Babu, social activist presided over the meeting. Women Issues, Women empowerment, Basic rights were the topics of discussion.
Anti Child Labour Day was observed on 30th April 2012. A rally was organized to sensitize the public on the importance of child hood and ill effects of child labour. Children, Women association members, trainees from the non-Formal Technical training centres, Village leaders, Youths, Children from the Non-formal education centres and Supplementary education centres have participated in the rally. Around 800 members participated in the rally.
Cultural Programmes have been organized in the Villages on various aspects of eradication of Child labour, Women Rights and Women empowerment, global warming, climate change local issues etc. The dates of the cultural Programmes were given under.
- The awareness campaign and observation of important days have given a broad picture about the importance of the initiative.
- The cultural Programmes addressed their own problem.
- Women were aware of their rights
- The cultural Programmes sensitized the people to overcome common problems, Child rights etc
- Polio campaign gave a chance to immunize the children
- Vitamin tablets have been provided for the children to improve their health. This is done in continuation of our previous year work.